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MIC24046YFL EV, Evaluation Board for the MIC24046 Pin-Programmable, 4.5 to 19V Input, 5A Step-Down Regulator Reference Design using part MIC24046YFL by Microchip Technology
MIC24046YFL EV, Evaluation Board for the MIC24046 Pin-Programmable, 4.5 to 19V Input, 5A Step-Down Regulator Reference Design using part MIC24046YFL by Microchip Technology

MIC24046YFL EV ، لوحة تقييم ل MIC24046 قابلة للبرمجة ، إدخال 4.5 إلى 19 فولت ، تصميم مرجعي لمنظم التنحي 5A باستخدام الجزء MIC24046YFL بواسطة تقنية Microchip

منتوج وصف

MIC24046YFL EV, Evaluation Board for the MIC24046 is a pin-programmable, high-efficiency, wide-input range, 5A synchronous step-down regulator. A user can program the MIC24046 by pin-strapping various parameters such as output voltage, switching frequency and current-limit values. The pin-selectable switching frequency, valley-current-mode control technique, high-performance error amplifier and external compensation, all allow for the best tradeoffs between high-efficiency and the smallest possible solution size. The MIC24046 is pinout compatible with its I2C-programmable and pin programmable counterparts from the same family (future products). The MIC24046 evaluation board is designed to serve all of the devices that make up MIC2404x family of parts. As a result, only a subset of its features is needed for the MIC24046 evaluation

Key Features
Conversion Type:DC to DC
Input Voltage:4.5 to 19 V
Output Voltage:0.7 to 3.3 V
Output Current:5 A

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