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DC2048A, Demonstration Board using LTC3330EUH nano-power Buck-Boost DC/DC with Energy Harvesting Battery Life Extender Reference Design using part LTC3330EUH#PBF by Analog Devices
DC2048A, Demonstration Board using LTC3330EUH nano-power Buck-Boost DC/DC with Energy Harvesting Battery Life Extender Reference Design using part LTC3330EUH#PBF by Analog Devices

DC2048A ، لوحة عرض باستخدام طاقة النانو LTC3330EUH Buck-Boost DC / DC مع تصميم مرجعي لموسع عمر البطارية لحصاد الطاقة باستخدام الجزء LTC3330EUH # PBF بواسطة الأجهزة التناظرية

منتوج وصف

DC2048A, Demonstration Board using LTC3330EUH nano-power Buck-Boost DC/DC with Energy Harvesting Battery Life Extender. The LTC3330 integrates a high voltage energy harvesting power supply plus a DC/DC converter powered by a primary cell battery to create a single output supply for alternative energy applications. The energy harvesting power supply, consisting of an integrated low-loss full-wave bridge with a high voltage buck converter, harvests energy from piezoelectric, solar or magnetic sources. The primary cell input powers a buck-boost converter capable of operating down to 1.8V at its input.

Key Features
Conversion Type: DC to DC
Input Voltage: 3 to 18 V
Output Voltage: 1.2|1.8 to 5 V
Output Current: 0.05 A
Efficiency: 94 %

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